Monday, November 3, 2008

True Identity

I couldn't help but post a picture of "Hannah Montana" on this weeks blog. Of course, that is not the real Hannah Montana, that is my daughter Kimberly who dressed up like a rock star who is dressed up to avoid looking like Miley on the Disney show "Hannah Montana." If you have a young daughter in the house you know what I mean. If you don't, well this is where Google comes in handy.

We had an awesome time trick or treating with our kids. Zach was a punk rocker and Emily was Sarah Palin. I also posted a picture of Zach. Emily would kill me if I posted pictures of her!!! We went trick or treating with some friends and had a blast. literally when we poured lighter fluid in a pumpkin and set it on fire, but that is a story for another day.

I was thinking about Halloween and costumes and Hannah Montana this morning and could not help but think about how we dress up and pretend in real life as well. We go through life putting on masks to hide pain, shame or grief, and we act as those everyone owes us something. We are so guarded with our true identities that we live life as split personalities. We live as rock stars, super heroes or martyrs unworthy of love, attention or even pity.

But Christ has called us to so much more. We are called to live in the beauty of the kingdom of the eternal king. We are called to live as children ofthe king. We are called to be heirs of the living God. Mostly we live our lives putting on "airs" and not living how God really designed us to live.

This week I am making a serious effort to get over a life of masks and images. I want to live as a true son of God. I want to experience life in reality and in the glory of Jesus. I want to take seriously the idea of living as God has made me: a child of the king!!!

"He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and his will." Ephesians 1:5

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