Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Am I Doing with My Life?

Every now and then, God has to remind me of some very foundational things in my life. Occasionally I will sit back and wonder what I am doing with my life. I have a voice inside my head that constantly tells me that I am not good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it people DON’T like me. It is in those moments where I have a choice about how to respond. I can give in to the feelings or I can live in the truth of Jesus.

When we feel alone or lost in our struggles, we need to step back and remember that God is the one who has poured out love, grace and mercy into our lives so that we do not have to be good enough on our own. The fact of the matter is we will never be good enough on our own. As I read Romans 3 this morning I came across a passage that reminded me that although I was separated from God by my sin, God chose to give Jesus Christ to become the fulfillment for the cost of my sin.

When I wonder what I am doing with my life, God tends to bring people to show me that he is using me to help them. My life is a filter through which others can see the grace of God. It is not always perfect, not always focused, and not always conscious, but it is still an avenue God uses to touch others.

All of us are part of that calling. God has given his followers the task to bring light into darkness and to bring hope into the midst of despair. Many people think that pastors have it all figured out when it comes to life and light and purpose. But doubts are as real in a pastor’s life as they are in everyone else’s life.

Today, choose to live in this reality: God wants to use you!! God has called you to follow him, to demonstrate his love, and to guide others into relationship with him. That is what I am doing with my life. What about you?

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