Thursday, September 25, 2008

Run DMC Theology

This morning I was reading in Zechariah 2. God is telling the nation through Zechariah that he will be with them and they can trust in the presence of God in the midst of the nation. God is too big to be confined inside the walls of Jerusalem (or the boxes of our own theology) and his glory is the real glory of the people. At the end at the chapter is a small verse that really stuck out to me. "Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his dwelling."

My first thought was how I am not still before God very often. Even when i try to be quiet my brain is racing, my thoughts drift or I nod off. (Okay, that's a confession!) Just the idea of being still before God brought to my mind not stillness in my body, but stillness in my mind and heart. The constant racing thoughts and the constant commotion of life seems like I am always talking to God instead of listening.

For some reason my mind immediately went to the old Run DMC song "You Talk Too Much." Basically it was as if God were speaking to me through an old 80's rap song that I haven't heard in years. (I am not getting into the theology of rap!!!) The song simply says, "You talk too much/you never shut up/ I said you talk too much/Homeboy you never shut up." Seriously, my quiet times are getting weird.

I guess what God is trying to tell me is to quit talking all the time and listen. I need to listen to him for direction, guidance and focus. I need to listen to others for wisdom, discernment and fellowship. I need to listen to the culture so that I can effectively interpret the scripture into the language of today.

So, here's my challenge for the day: Shut up!!! I am going to try to be a minimalist in conversation today. Not that I am not going to talk, but I am going to be a listener as much as possible. Even though Run DMC stated the thought in my mind, it is a very biblical concept.

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." James 1:19

Now I just need to figure out the theological implications of "My Adidas."

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