Monday, February 9, 2009


I love when I see some really great lessons come alive from scripture. It is amazing to me how God so understands us as human beings that he crafted His Word over 2,000 years ago so that it would make sense in our lives today. As I prepared for yesterday’s message, a theme popped into my head that may not be new to you (and in honesty is not new to me) but took on a new level of insight into my heart.

I was speaking on Mark 10:35-45, where James and John ask Jesus to sit on his right and left. Jesus makes one statement that gets passed over too quickly most of the time. “To sit at my right or left is not for me to grant.” Mark 10:40 We may not think very much about it. It is one little verse in a much larger teaching. But it tells us a ton about Jesus.

The lesson is simple: Jesus never tired to upstage God. He never demanded his rights. He never pressed his plan or his will. He never moved forward on his own. He allowed himself to be humiliated for the greater glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2)

How often do we try to take God’s position? We judge. We condemn. We criticize. We take stands. We place our will and our desire over God’s. How shameful is that!!!

This week, try to take an example from the life of Jesus. Bend your will to God’s. Trust his heart over your feelings. Allow him to direct your path and your plans.

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